Prepare the IELTS!
- On 01/10/2017
A MOOC (massive open online course) is starting Monday October 2 to prepare the IELTS.
It is free, 6 weeks long, 2 hours a week, and it is here!
Slideshow in French on how to go abroad
- On 12/01/2016
Here a slideshow in French on "Partir à l'étranger"
Learn English in Hong-Kong
- On 07/10/2015
Learn more about how to work and learn English in Hong-Kong Here!
- On 04/06/2015
A new page on the Last Supper by Da Vinci, with a fascinating video and a quizz all taken form the excellent Kahn Academy. Try a MOOC!
Study in the USA
- On 28/05/2015
A new page from a former student, Estelle, who is going to study in the USA. Here!