Descriptive adjectives for brochures and leaflets.

 The setting, the destination.

breathtaking, stunning (views, scenery) sensationnel, à couper le souffle

exotic (beauty, charm, location)

picturesque, quaint (streets, villages, cottages) pittoresque

Outstanding, gorgeous, magnificent, splendid (architectural legacy)

Impressive / awe-inspiring impressionant

Striking (beauty) saisissant

Vibrant / bustling (city, market) / lively (city) iconic (city, destination)

ideal, idyllic, earthly paradise, heavenly, divine divin, paradisiaque

compelling (destination) fascinant

scenic (route) panoramique, pittoresque, touristique (scenic train)

spectacular (Chilean fjords), dramatic (alpine lake) spectaculaire

majestic (mountains and national parks) majestueux

crystal clear (sea) colourful (coral) turquoise (waters)

adventurous (destination)

off-the-beaten track: en dehors des sentiers battus

sumptuous (surroundings, suites)

unspoilt=untouched (rainforest) préservé, intact, pristine (beach) immaculé

tranquil (waters) peaceful (atmosphere)

intimate (ambience), charming (resort)

jagged (coastline) déchiqueté, découpé, rugged (landscape, coast) accidenté, découpé

mighty (river, cathedral, oak) puissant

snow-capped, snow-covered (mountain, volcano)

Hotel / restaurant / museum

World-class (museum, cuisine, accommodation) supérieur, de classe international

quality (service)

Award-winning (restaurant)

Renowned / famous / well-known / world famous

State-of-the-art (cruise ship) = à la pointe du progrès

Upmarket / upscale / high-end haut de gamme

Top notch (service) de premier ordre, excellent

Luxury (hotel) = de luxe  luxurious= luxueux

gourmet (food, cuisine) gastronomique

specialty (restaurant)

authentic, genuine (cuisine)

stupendous (national cuisine) prodigieux

Mouthwatering (cookery = cuisine)

a perfect blend of stylish luxury, informality and excellent local cuisine

waterfront (hotel, campsite)

opulent (palace)

The experience

Exhilarating: exaltant, euphorisant, enivrant intoxicating: grisant, enivrant

glamorous : séduisant, ensorcelant

A dream (holiday)

Once-in-a-lifetime (experience) / the trip or cruise of a lifetime

amazing, incredible, unforgettable, memorable

cultural (immersion)


Unparalleled, unrivalled (service): incomparable

unequalled (spendour) inégalé = unsurpassed

Magical, Dazzling (tropical fish) éblouissant

Timeless: éternel

hidden (asset) / best-kept (secret)

overwhelming (boulversant) fascinating

historical (monuments), historic (interest)

natural (beauty, habitat) authentique, véritable

medieval (legend, area)

stately (homes) imposant, majestueux


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