
  • Verbs and prepositions.

    • On 31/03/2014

    Here is a list of verbs with the prepositions that they usually take:

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  • For my Year 2 students, voc for the test

    • On 07/03/2014

    From Disney Cruise line video ad.

    À bord: aboard/onboard

    Innombrable: countless

    Divertissement de classe internationale: world-class entertainment

    Diner/gastronomie inoubliable: unforgettable dining

    Petit plaisir: indulgence

    Aventures sans fin/infinies: endless adventures

    Durer une vie: to last a lifetime

    Banc de sable du naufragé: castaway cay

    Spectacle de feu d’artifice: fireworks show

    En mer: at sea

    Comédie musicale extraordinaire: amazing musical

    Beaucoup d’espace: plenty of room

    Cabine familiale: family-size stateroom

    From the Oasis of the Seas video ad.

    construction navale: ship building

    se promener à travers: stroll through

    extraordinaire: dramatic

    à deux étages: two-storey

    passage/promenade en bois: boardwalk

    manège: carrousel

    plongeon de haut vol: highdiving

    se relaxer: unwind

    lieux de prédilection: hangouts

    abonder, regorger (de): abound

    à la pointe du progrès: state-of-the-art

    From Freedom Ship documentary (Discovery Channel).

    Cinq fois plus grand que: five times larger than

    Il ferait un mile de long: it would be a mile long

    Des milliers d’ouvriers: thousands of workers

    Travailler dur: toil

    Une bonne affaire: a bargain

    Pendant plus de 3 ans: for over 3 years

    Achever: complete

    Peser: weigh

    Tenter de faire quelque-chose: attempt

    Une ville flottante: a floating city

    Naviguer: sail

    Style de vie: lifestyle

    Héberger/loger: house

    Appartement (en copropriété) (US): condo

    Magasin de détail: retail store

    Jet d’entreprise: corporate jet

    Don’t forget to review general vocabulary on cruises as well, for example:

    Hublot: porthole

    Cabine à 2 couchettes: two-berth cabin

    Pont (de passager): deck

    Embarquer: embark

    Débarquer: debark

    Équipage: crew

    Flotte: fleet

    Passager: passenger

    Proue (avant d’un bateau): bow

    Poupe: aft/stern

    Bâbord (gauche): port

    Tribord (droite): starboard

    Passerelle de commandement: bridge

    Cuisine (de bateau): galley

    Point de rassemblement (en cas d’urgence): muster station

    Passerelle (d’accès à bord): gangway

    Premier service (pour le repas): main seating

    Deuxième service: late seating

    Port d’embarquement: embarkation port

    Port d’escale: port of call

    Itinéraire: itinerary

    Traversée: crossing

    Commissaire de bord: purser

    Roulie: rolling

    Tanguage: pitching

    Mal de mer: seasickness


    And vocabulary Thomson Spirit:

    S’ébattre: frolic

    De très près: up close

    Salon: lounge

    Bain bouillonant: whirlpool

    Pataugeoire: wading pool

    Salon de beauté: beauty salon

    Infirmerie: medical centre

    Laverie automatique: launderette

    Entièrement climatisé: air-conditioned throughout

    Noeud (vitesse): knot

    Armoire: wardrobe

    Peignoir: bathrobe

    Baie vitrée: picture window

    Canot de sauvetage: lifeboat

    Tirant d’eau: draft


    And everything concerning the cabin and its ensuite bathroom.








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  • Page on car rental!

    • On 19/02/2014

    Lots of useful words and a hilarious video here: Car rental

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  • Page on fairs and seminars.

    • On 18/02/2014

    Discover a new page with interesting vocabulary and videos to train your oral comprehension!

    You can find it under the heading categories of tourism here: Fairs, seminars and workshops

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  • New page!

    • On 15/02/2014

    There is a new page on work experience in "tools"!

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  • Apply to go to Mars

    • On 05/02/2014

    You can really apply to go to Mars here:

    One of my students made me discover this (crazy?) project. 

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