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Knowing vocabulary and mastering grammar is great, but you're still missing something: having a good accent.

This is particularly true for French speakers, some of whom don't make much effort. As if they would sound stupid if they sounded English/American.

Some others would like to improve their pronunciation but don't know how and where to start. 

Follow the following guidelines and not only will your pronunciation improve but you will also be able to really learn English by yourself! 

Well here is a method I suggest:

1. Discover and practice the sounds of English (44 different sounds). You can print the pronunciation chart.

2. Watch the very interesting videos offered by MACMILLAN.

3. Download the free App to your mobile phone, and practice whenever you have free time.

4. When you learn a new word, make sure you know how to pronounce it. To be sure of that, you need to write its phonemic transcription (found easily on any dictionary, even online dictionary).

5. Do the lessons of this website:


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