Sustainable tourism
Sustainable tourism: any form of tourism that does not reduce the availability of resources and does not inhibit future travelers from enjoying the same experience.
Eco-tourism: responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment
and improves the welfare of the local people.
Responsible tourism: tourism which operates in such a way as to minimize negative impacts on the environment.
Global warming: réchauffement climatique
Greenhouse effect: effet de serre
Greenhouse gases: gaz à effet de serre
Over-fishing: surpêche
Deforestation: déforestation
The demise: la disparition
Threat to the wildlife: menace de la vie
To threaten: menacer
Crafts/handicrafs: Artisanat
crafts market: marché artisanal
Trivialization: Banalisation
Oil spill: Déversement accidentel d’hydrocarbure
Oil slick: marée noire
Carbon offsetting: Compensation carbone
Carbon footprint: empreinte carbone
Climate change: Changement climatique
Improve, enhance: améliorer
Endangered species Espèces menacées: en voie d’extinction
Conserve the environement: protéger, sauvegarder l’environnement
Developing country: Pays en voie de développement
Fair price: Prix équitable
To Income: Revenue
High income / low income: haut revenue / bas revenue harm: abimer, endommager
Well-being/welfare: Bien-être
Harmful: nuisible
Harmless: inoffensif
To damage: endommager
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions: Réduire les émissions CO2
To urge: Exhorter, inciter
Benefit from: Bénéficier de, profiter de
Local products: Produits locaux
Knowledge: Connaissance
The warmest welcome: L’accueil le plus chaleureux
To be aware (of): Etre informé/conscient
To raise the public’s awareness: sensibiliser le public
Responsible tourism issues: Questions / problèmes du tourisme responsible
To raise environmental concerns: susciter des soucis environnementaux
Waste disposal: Traitement des déchets
Litter: détritus, déchets
Do not litter!: ne pas jeter d’ordure!
To recycle: recycler
To sort the garbage/ to sort the refuse: trier les déchets
To melt: Fondre
Ice cap: calotte glaciaire
Ice floe: banquise
Polar bears: ours polaires
Cruise to the arctic: croisière en Arctique
Retreat of the ice at the poles: retrait de la glace aux pôles
Organic: biologique
Renewable: renouvelable